Saturday, January 31, 2009

One year after first surgery


The date of October 15 will now always hold significance to me because it is the date of my first surgery to fix my back. This October 15 (2008) marked one year since my surgery and I kept thinking about where I was a year before and how far I really had come. In the span of one year, I had two surgeries with the first one having minor complications that caused alot of pain and the second surgery finally fixing my back hopefully for good. Then there was also all the struggles that came with the two surgeries and recovery and frustrations etc. I couldn't help thinking that hopefully the next year would go better! I have to say I was proud of myself how much I had managed to get through and it was alot to get through. When you have this surgery, it is not just surgery that you have to get through-it is also the recovery process that follows which can be painstakingly slow and sometimes it seems as though there is no improvement and that can be discouraging. Plus it is also not being able to be independent and needing help with the basic things like being able to sit up for long periods of time and being able to drive myself where ever I wanted to go and lifting things that seemed so light before but impossibly heavy after the surgery. It was learning to ask for help when I needed it instead of doing it myself. It was learning patience which was something that I needed to learn badly. It was being stuck in bed for long periods of time after each surgery staring at the ceiling and trying to keep my sanity and not get bored. It was trying to find creative ways to pass the time while laying on my bed and trying not to dwell on all the stuff I could have been doing if I were not stuck in bed. It was yearning to be out and about around people when I was stuck at home by myself. I went through so many days that I felt so extremely alone and wished for someone/anyone to even phone me. I think the feeling of being so cut off from the world was the hardest thing emotionally to deal with. I don't mean to make anyone feel bad-I am just being very honest. I know people were busy and didn't have alot of free time and I accept that but I still felt the way I did. Also another struggle was trying to keep positive after learning things didn't go as planned and finding out I would need more surgery. Oh and wearing a brace was another thing to get through-it was not fun in the least! That hard plastic thing was hot and annoying and I was sooo glad to be rid of it when I finally could be! So many little things I got through and pushed through to get to the point I was at one year later and all I had been through really made me feel good about myself. I also felt that all that I had got through made me stronger and a better person in terms of learning patience which has been a work in progress for sure! Throughout the past few yrs I would think how my life was on hold and I was missing out but looking back as this point on this day, I think this actually was a part of my life that has made me hopefully a better person. I think this whole experience has enabled me to understand what it is like to go through some stuff and that it would better help me to relate with other people who are also struggling. Of course I would have rather not gone through this if I could have learned these things any other way! lol But I think the best way to understand something is to experience it firsthand. I just hope I can help someone even just a little.

Fall 2008

Hello again,

The weather was pretty good for fall I think and there were some really nice days that I spent outside on my lounge chair/bed and either read or laid outside to take in the rest of the warmth before the cold weather started to arrive. But since fall is typically the time when I normally do alot of helping out with preparing stuff for winter (i.e-cleaning up the vegetable garden), I felt really bad some days because I couldn't help this year once again. Emotionally I really had some bad days. I wish I could say that I am one of those people who can just relax and enjoy the free time I have when I am unable to do anything else but I am not. I constantly felt bad that my parents were doing so much and I wasn't helping out despite the fact that I could do very little to help. I felt so guilty about being unable to help that I often tried to help anyways despite not being in the best shape to do much. I remember one weekend that the Tomatoes in the greenhouse finally froze and that my mom was so busy that she could not get to it so I went outside and decided to pull Tomato plants. This is not an easy task when your muscles are weak from not being used for a long period of time and you have a sore back! Also these Tomato plants grew to about 4 or 5 ft so they were not small plants. I discovered that the plants were not coming out of the pots very easily so I decided to just take the little clippers and snip the plants just above the dirt and then toss the dead plants. The roots would still be in the pots in the spring but I figured I would be in better shape then to deal with them at that point. lol Well to make a long story short, I did too much and for the next couple weeks had terrible pain in my shoulder and part of my back and had pain when I moved. But I took care of the tomato plants and accomplished something so I trying not to complain. lol Then on Thanksgiving my sister and husband usually come over and we all take care of the massive amount of leaves that have fallen on our acreage. But this year I could not help so I figured I could at least take the camera and take pictures of it all and stayed outside when I could. We have alot of leaves that fall because we have planted over 300 trees here and it is absolutely beautiful but makes for a big clean up in the fall. I may not have gotten to help but I did get to spend some time outside with everyone. I almost forgot that I was given the go ahead to start with physio which was another milestone that meant I was improving. The only downside is that physio and the excercises are not easy but I knew that if I didn't do the excercises I was only hurting my chances of improving further. One way I helped myself to keep going when I would get tired and sore was to look at a couple pictures of me on the last mountain hike I did and remind myself that I was working towards doing that again. In a way I set a goal for myself and it helped me big time when I have wanted to quit or skip my exercises. I will go hiking again and things will improve.

Friday, January 30, 2009

First Follow Up after second surgery

No matter how dark the night, somehow the sun rises once again and all shadows are chased away. David Matthew

Hello again,

I saw this quote recently and thought it was the perfect way to start this blog entry. I feel it explains alot of what I have gone through emotionally and physically. Finally for the first time in a long time I felt that I was sort of seeing the sun peeking just over the horizon so to speak. Before this appointment, I was quite worried about what might happen after my experience with the previous surgery. I wasn't quite sure if it would be good or bad news and I was still in a fair bit of pain from the surgery to really know if there was any pain that shouldn't have been there. This appointment was on September 2,08 and it went like the first appointment after the first surgery should have gone. The xray was taken and my specialist looked at it and let me know that everything looked good and there were no problems. The one thing that was different this time around was that the steri strips still had not come off and were stuck to my skin like they had been applied with crazy glue. With the first surgery, the steri strips were already starting to peel off when I arrived home. But my specialist assured me that was fine and they would come off eventually. In the end (about a month later) my mom helped me peel them off when the skin under the steri strips was really starting to itch. Like I said at the beginning of this entry, things were starting to look up. I noticed almost right off after the surgery that I wasn't feeling the rod moving any more and the recovery process started that much sooner I think. This gave me hope that I could finally get through this whole thing and get my life back. At this point there was still a fair bit of recovery to get through but I could see that there was finally going to be an end to it and things would get better.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

First month at home after second surgery

Hi again,
Well the big difference this time was that I noticed I was in less pain than the first time around even though it was still pretty bad. Something that was interesting was that I had quite an appetite despite still dealing with throwing up. Everything I ate tasted so so good! I have a theory that it was because of being subjected to the hospital food again. lol Whoever makes the food knows how to make it look appetizing but it never tasted quite as good as it looked. I remember I had some Kraft Dinner shortly after coming home and it tasted so good that I made myself an entire pot and ate it within the next couple days. Also I had a thing for grilled cheese sandwiches as well which I ate a lot of in the first week at home.
Something quite positive for me was finding out that I qualified for financial assistance from the provincial government and I could actually go to the dentist and eye doctor which I was not able to afford before this. I desperately needed to visit the dentist but I didn't have the money. The only hard part was asking for it because I felt so bad asking for this money and actually got pretty depressed about it. I felt I had gotten to a really low point that I needed to ask for this kind of help. What I learned though is that it is not something to be ashamed of. It has helped me so much and lifted one more thing off my shoulders that I felt was weighing me down. I didn't have to worry about how to pay for the stuff I needed any more. I still couldn't afford any wants-just needs but that totally didn't matter. I could take care of getting my cavities fixed without worrying about the money part of it and that was amazing to me.
Another difference between this surgery and the first surgery was that there was less swelling on my back and I could sleep through the night without waking up every few hrs in so much pain that I needed to take more pain killers. That was quite nice. I still had a lot of trouble getting around and needed my family's help. Something very much the same was that I had to get my muscles to stretch so I could reach the ground again but it was easier this time around. I think it took about a month to manage to be able to get down on the floor on my knees. Though pushing myself up was a little more difficult. I still had a few times I got down on the floor and couldn't get back up! That is what is so great about my family being around-when I got myself in these predicaments, I had someone to help me out. lol I can't say enough how grateful I am to my family for being there for me to help me through all of this. It is definitely not something I could have gotten through without their help. I completely didn't think about all the little things I would need help with before all of this-for example opening and closing a window was a definite challenge. I remember one night I had my window open and it got cold in my room but I had to leave it open because I simply couldn't get it closed and I didn't want to wake anybody up. I quickly learned to have it closed before people went to bed! lol Of course I have to admit I tried to close it myself but I just didn't have enough strength and ended up hurting myself. I really realized how many little every day things require our muscles and how I really did take that for granted before.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My second Surgery: August 14, 2008 and hospital stay

Hi again,

Ah, another surgery-what fun. lol Actually the preparation for this surgery was easier and less stressful than the first. This time we were able to come up the day before and stay with my sister and her husband at their place which was nice. On the way to Edmonton, we stopped at Wendys and I got my favorite snack-a junior hamburger deluxe combo! Yes I eat that as an occasional snack and no I am not overweight amazingly! All in moderation I say. Also my sister and her husband were amazing and bought an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen for dessert that night and I saw it as a celebration that this surgery would finally give me a chance to live a life with out so much pain. The first surgery was supposed to be that and was in some ways but there was a small hurdle to cross (the rod coming loose) before getting to live a life without all that pain I was dealing with.

The morning of the surgery was a long one because apparently there were complications with the surgery before me so mine was late. That was ok though because my dad found some Reader's Digest magazines and read me jokes and then my mom and I talked as well. We got a little bored and I entertained my parents by making origami with paper towel which actually worked better than I thought it would! Though I wouldn't suggest it if you have paper on hand! lol

When things finally got underway I was wheeled into the operating room and actually got to see what it looked like and I remember thinking I wonder if I saw it the first time too and forgot it due to the anesthetic so I thought really hard to remember what it looked like so I would remember when I woke up! Amazingly I remembered it still when I woke up but I remember realizing the room I was in looked alot different and darker. I guess something happened during the surgery that I lost blood and needed to get 4 units of blood and be closely monitored for the first day I think. I want to say that I am thankful to people who donate blood because it was there when I needed it and I am very thankful for that. I can't say that it was a life and death situation for me because I don't think it was but I did need the blood and it was there because of the many wonderful people who take the time to donate it. Also I remember something wasn't quite right with my right arm. When I tried to grab a cup of water I realized that first it was difficult to grab it because my arm didn't seem to want to do what I told it to do. Then when I finally got it and tried to lift the cup, I dropped it all over me because my arm just sort of flopped down. I learned later that apparently a nerve probably got stretched or something while I was on the operating table because of the way I had to lay on the table. Anyways I started to find it amusing because I would attempt to lift my arm and it would just flop down and also trying to touch my nose was next to impossible! It only lasted the first day I think and then started to get better but was a source of amusement to me while it lasted. It kept me occupied. lol The week in hospital this time around was actually less painful than the first time but I threw up just as much. With each nurse I had, I had to explain how much I threw up and I remember feeling bad for the nurses because of all the times they had to deal with cleaning it up. The food was hospital food and not that great but on the last day I was in the hospital I got a ham sandwich for lunch which tasted sooo good compared to other food I'd had. So in terms of hospital food, I left the hospital on a good note/meal. lol I was so ready to go home though and happy I didn't have to stay any longer! I did notice a big difference though-when I was ready to leave the hospital I was already able to sit up a little longer than I had been able to before this surgery which was very encouraging.

Summer 2008

Hello again,

First I would like to say that summer was shorter than I expected because I got a call in June I believe that there was a cancellation and I could have surgery on August 14th. I had mixed emotions about it being in August. I was happy that the surgery was alot sooner than first thought and I would not have to wait in pain but sad because I would miss out on the last part of summer. Of course that was a small price to pay for getting surgery sooner and not having to deal with the loose rod any longer.

The summer was interesting and it is funny thinking back to summer right now during the middle of winter! Oh how I would love to have summer right now! In the spring I decided I would still try to grow some plants in the green house despite the pain and the darn brace and everything else. I am glad I did because it really gave me a reason to get outside and feel useful and feel that I had accomplished something when I was dealing with so many limitations. Also there is something amazing about nurturing seeds into plants and watching them grow into something beautiful. It became the highlight of my day to spend time in the greenhouse and truly brightened my day at a time when I seemed to have some pretty depressing days. The only drawback was the constant reminders that I still had limitations recovering from surgery like if I needed something as simple as a pot moved-I needed to wait until someone could help me. I also could only manage about 10 minutes out in the greenhouse so I would often be seen walking back and forth from the greenhouse to the house to lay down and rest my back. My family found this amusing and I sort of started to as well. But I think my parents also felt bad for me and built me a lounge chair/bed that they put by the greenhouse so I didn't have as far to walk and could lay outside in the warm sunshine when I needed to rest my back. It also gave me the ability to lay outside in the shade with a good book when I couldn't be up. This was a much better option to me than being cooped up inside feeling frustrated that I was missing summer because I was stuck inside. The hardest part I think I dealt with was not being able to help out with stuff I normally did like mowing the lawns and weeding the flower beds and helping in the garden etc. Sometimes I got so frustrated with stuff that I just did it anyways and ended up not doing myself any favors and end up worse off than before. I kept thinking I would eventually learn and know my limitations and listen to them but I guess it isn't easy because I didn't seem to learn.

Decision to go through with a second surgery In 2008

Hello again,

In the end it really wasn't a hard decision to make on whether to agree to the second surgery. The rod in my back was loose and shifting when I would walk causing pain and I was not seeing any more improvement in recuperating. I was in pain and it was no longer decreasing. I was sort of stuck at this point where anything I tried just wasn't being very helpful. The only downside was that I was informed that I could be waiting till October or November before I could get in for surgery. All I could do was understand that is how our not so lovely health care system works and there wasn't much I could do to change that. At least this surgery was my second time around and I knew what to expect and the pain that would come afterwards. So I had almost no worries about the surgery. In the back of my mind there was a thought or two that there were some risks with surgery which I think my family was concerned about as well. I prayed and tried to put it in God's hands and that was all I could do. With the first surgery I wished I could be awake and make sure nothing went wrong but realized that was silly because I knew much less than the doctors did! I know my specialist is very good at what he does and had no doubt I was in good hands. I just needed to deal with the waiting and patience has never been a strong suit for me! I thought this whole experience would teach me patience but at this point I still had not mastered it. lol But luckily to my benefit, the surgery date did come sooner than expected.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Apology for my absense

Hello again,
It is January 2009 and alot has happened since my last post and I felt the need to apologize for not keeping my blog updated. My last post was in June of 2008 and at that point I was starting to spend more time outside and then I had more surgery and I have been dealing with recovery and what not which I would like to explain in further detail still. Thank you for reading my blog and I hope to have everything up to date soon! Thank you for your patience as well.