Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Another appointment-April 21, 2009

Hello again,
I had yet another appointment again with my specialist. I am glad to say that it was another good appointment with no bad news! Actually quite the opposite. My specialist is very pleased with my progress and I do not have to see him again for another 6 months!!! So either I am getting better or he is getting tired of me! LOL Just kidding. Obviously I am improving. lol It was neat because I basically only had to give him updates on my progress and didn't really have any questions or really any complaints other than I wish it didn't take so long to get better. I meant it as a joke but I don't know if he got it. Oh well. I joke about my lack of patience alot. Eventually maybe I will learn patience and it won't be so bad! lol He was quite impressed with me driving for the first time since before the first surgery despite my problems with being able to shoulder check still. I still have to work on that. Also getting into a grocery store was impressive to him I think and I feel encouraged that I am slowly progressing and getting better. It may seem like it takes forever at times but before I know it, it will be a memory and not seem quite so bad. I just have to hold onto that thought when things get tough. As always though-I was very exhausted from the whole trip and slept incredibly well overnight-nothing could have woke me! Also today I took a few naps but I could still use a bit more rest. I am going to go to bed early I think. I wonder if I am getting older because going to bed early is so nice and I look forward to sleeping! lol The odd thing is that despite being so exhausted sometimes, I can't really sleep past 7am. I wonder why because I am at a point in my life where I can sleep till 8am if I want but I still can't sleep in any longer. Oh well. It is good that I am up earlier so I can make up for the time that is spent in naps! LOL

Friday, April 17, 2009

Another Update

Hello again,
Well I promised a positive post and this one is positive! I have continued to try reach my goal of attempting to sit for 45minutes and while I haven't yet quite got there I am getting close! My last update I believe I mentioned I made it to 30 minutes and I have now managed almost 40minutes and that is without cheating! lol No resting my head against a wall or the recliner! Also I managed another trip to the grocery store and Wal Mart which was quite fun! You don't know how exciting the grocery store can be until you haven't been able to go for a long time! In my previous post I talked about new products I didn't know existed, well this time I knew more what was there so I didn't look silly pointing out stuff to my sister that I hadn't seen before! I can just imagine what some people may have thought if they overheard me. This time I fit in better and wasn't so wide eyed! LOL One thing that I have noticed is that when so much is technically taken away like the ability to get out of the house easily, you realize so much that you have taken for granted and you enjoy every minute that much more. I am still working on opening office doors and it is still embarrassing because I have gotten a few looks and I still feel the need to explain but it is changing. I am getting used to people looking at me strangely when I can't open a door! I am learning just to smile and try to accept my limitations. I have to admit that I had no idea that the surgery would affect so many parts of my life before I had it done. So many little things I just sort of took for granted like muscles working. That is why I feel it is important to share this because maybe I will help someone else who is going into the surgery know what to expect. Who knows? Maybe my posts are just helping me to express myself and work through everything. I don't know. It can be challenging for me to be so open but if it helps even one person-it is worth it. Thanks.


Hello again,
I apologize for another not so positive post but I want to address something and my next post will be positive I promise! One of the hard struggles I have sometimes had to face in the last couple years has been lonlieness if you can believe it. Because of the surgeries I have not been able to get out of the house as much as I would love and it can get very lonely. It is hard when your friends are too busy living their lives to come visit as much as they would like because it gets lonely and you wish you could be living a full life as well but on the other hand you don't want them to be in the same position you are. Sometimes it really affects me. It feels like being stuck on the sidelines of a game and wanting to join in with every ounce of my being to play with friends but not being able to because I am not in any shape to do so. I guess this analogy could also be a race-the rat race! lol I know I will join in soon enough when I am healed but for the present I just long to be part of it and that longing can be very painful. I am not trying to make anyone feel bad about being too busy but just trying to share one of the struggles I face. Before this, I never realized how lonely it could be to be shut in and not able to get out of the house. I know I am not the only one who is stuck at home or a hospital or nursing home and if you know of someone who can't get out, please visit them or call them if you can spare a few moments-it means the world to those who can't be out and about. Thanks.

A quote by Abraham Lincoln

We can complain because Rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have Roses - Abraham Lincoln