Friday, April 17, 2009


Hello again,
I apologize for another not so positive post but I want to address something and my next post will be positive I promise! One of the hard struggles I have sometimes had to face in the last couple years has been lonlieness if you can believe it. Because of the surgeries I have not been able to get out of the house as much as I would love and it can get very lonely. It is hard when your friends are too busy living their lives to come visit as much as they would like because it gets lonely and you wish you could be living a full life as well but on the other hand you don't want them to be in the same position you are. Sometimes it really affects me. It feels like being stuck on the sidelines of a game and wanting to join in with every ounce of my being to play with friends but not being able to because I am not in any shape to do so. I guess this analogy could also be a race-the rat race! lol I know I will join in soon enough when I am healed but for the present I just long to be part of it and that longing can be very painful. I am not trying to make anyone feel bad about being too busy but just trying to share one of the struggles I face. Before this, I never realized how lonely it could be to be shut in and not able to get out of the house. I know I am not the only one who is stuck at home or a hospital or nursing home and if you know of someone who can't get out, please visit them or call them if you can spare a few moments-it means the world to those who can't be out and about. Thanks.

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